
At myStockDNA, we believe that managing risk is key to delivering superior returns, even in a worst-case scenario where all stocks eventually go bankrupt, and all strategies degrade. By combining practical experience with the latest research in finance, portfolio management and AI, we've created a unique and innovative approach to portfolio management.

Leadership Team

Sudhir Holla

Sudhir Holla is one of the founding principals. Sudhir built the technology that powers the quantitative models. Prior to this, Sudhir was a Managing Director in Accenture and the head of the Retail Digital Commerce Practice at Infosys.

Sudhir Pai

Sudhir Pai is one of the founding principals. He is also the chief executive officer of Legacy Wealth Planner and the CFCO at SumaMonde Kapital Ventures. Pai holds the FINRA Series 6, 7, 66 licenses. Previously CFO North America of Infosys Technologies Ltd., and the Co-Founder, CEO of MyTaxFiler and myStartupCFO.

Kumar Muthuraman

Advisor and early investor, Prof. Kumar Muthuraman is Faculty Director of Center for Research and Analytics at the McCombs School of Business in UT Austin. A professor in the Department of Information, Risk and Operations Management and the Department of Finance in University of Texas, Austin, he received his Ph.D. from Stanford University.


“All Stocks will go bankrupt, and all stock picking strategies will fail…” That is the going in assumption behind Darwin, our quantitative model for portfolio management. This assumption implies a mathematical model that manages to risk. As a by-product of managing risk, can you achieve higher returns than the S&P 500? Darwin strives to do this via an “evolutionary” approach where assets compete for allocation in a portfolio, akin to players vying for selection in a sports team. However, once assets are included in the portfolio, they work together to achieve the goal of winning. By increasing allocation to better performing players and reducing allocation to weaker players, Darwin is designed to reward consistency and prioritize lower risk-taking in pursuit of returns.